Refashioned at Boca Museum of Art

I have a show at the Boca Raton Museum of Art, opening January 29 through April 21 2013. Here are a few pictures, some by Calvin Reid.

9 thoughts on “Refashioned at Boca Museum of Art

  1. Tamara Thomsen

    Congrats on the exhibit in Boca! Just looked through the images, the work is fantastic, really beautiful. Love the hoodies and chandeliers. I am so unfamiliar with your work, what a pleasure to see it. Now, I’m going to go back and look at the rest of your website. Tam

  2. John Boone

    Jody – I remember enjoying this on FB and now I enjoy these photos of your show as I will not get there in time. Cheers – John Boone

  3. Barbara Friedman

    What a great show! I want to wander about swinging that fountain-bag. Congratulations, Jody.