Tom Igoe and I have been making lamps out of a wide range of materials: parts of old tee-shirts, paper, fabric, tin foil and more. It has been a lot of fun. Here’s a few experiments.

Tom Igoe and I have been making lamps out of a wide range of materials: parts of old tee-shirts, paper, fabric, tin foil and more. It has been a lot of fun. Here’s a few experiments.
I love corrugated cardboard. I also love illuminated manuscripts of the Book of Revelation. Some interpretations.
Marianne Petit and I shared a table at World Maker Faire, called Fairy Tales, Science Fiction and Freud. Gareth Branwyn wrote a lovely piece about our work on Make. Here are a few pictures.
Co-lab had a return to the A.More Store exhibition at Printed Matter to celebrate the publication of A Book about Colab (and related Activities).
It was a great show, multiples by many Colab artists. I made a couple of flashing A.More Store signs, as well as some wax paper/tin foil and fabric jewelry. Here’s a few pictures.
I am in a show at the Neuberger Museum in Purchase with cardboard jewelry I made in the early 80’s.
Here is a link to an article in the NY Times about the show.
An installation in the lobby of an office building in the financial district in New York City. There were four installations in the window cases, each with a different theme, painted paper backdrops, cardboard and sheet metal sculptures, some were lamps. Sponsored by the Lower Manhattan Cultiral Council..
I did this installation at ABC No Rio, with the help of many kids from the neighborhood. I visited a number of schools in the area, met some teachers, one of whom, Hannah Gruenberg, came by after school and made sculptures. There were flyers on a sign in front of the building.